Palette of Ion Fury

Numbers go up to 152. There are quite a bit of repeats to allow even more control over things such as: "will it light up the player" or "disable fullbright". "Fog palettes" around 118-124 will invert the shade table so darkness turns to white, you can then easily simulate fog with "dark" areas. Combine the palette with various blend modes when using transparent sprites, you will be surprised what you can do!

Just point at any sprite, ceiling, wall or floor in 3D mode and press ALT + P

Few tips:

List of palettes

If you wish to remove a set palette, you can use palette value of 0: Normal to clear anything that you might have set

Full spectrum without fullbrights

1: Grayscale
2: Tan
3: Brown
4: Desaturated Green
5: Green
6: Desaturated Blue
7: Blue
8: Purple
9: Red
10: Orange-brown
11: Yellow
12: Orange-yellow

Blue range and fullbrights

(For light textures, but can be used for remapping blue color if you like the results)

13: Gray
14: Yellow/orange
15: Red
16: Green
17: Blue

Blue range

18: Grayscale
19: Tan
20: Brown
21: Desaturated Green
22: Green
23: Desaturated Blue
24: Blue
25: Purple
26: Red
27: Orange-brown
28: Yellow
29: Orange-yellow

Both blue ranges

Saturated blue into a color and the desat blue into a desaturated variant

30: Grayscale / Grayscale
31: Tan / Grayscale
32: Brown / Tan
33: Desaturated Green / Grayscale
34: Green / Desaturated Green
35: Desaturated Blue / Grayscale
36: Blue / Desaturated Blue
37: Purple / Desaturated Blue
38: Red / Brown
39: Orange-brown / Brown
40: Yellow / Tan
41: Orange-yellow / Brown

Full spectrum without fullbrights - Sprites inherit the sector floor palette

42: Grayscale
43: Tan
44: Brown
45: Desaturated Green
46: Green
47: Desaturated Blue
48: Blue
49: Purple
50: Red
51: Orange-brown
52: Yellow
53: Orange-yellow

Disable/Light remaps without fullbrights

54: Disable fullbrights (They're converted to closest normal colors)
55: Fullbrights are standard blue color
56: Blue range is gray and fullbrights are standard gray
57: Blue range is green and fullbrights are standard green
58: Blue range is orange-yellow and fullbrights are standard orange-yellow
59: Blue range is red and fullbrights are standard red

Contrast and saturation

60: Low saturation with fullbrights intact
61: Low saturation with fullbrights desaturated and non fullbright
62: Boosted contrast

Inverted + Color remaps

63: Inverted colors
64: Inverted + remapped to gray
65: Inverted + remapped to tan
66: Inverted + remapped to brown
67: Inverted + remapped to pale green
68: Inverted + remapped to green
69: Inverted + remapped to pale blue
70: Inverted + remapped to blue
71: Inverted + remapped to purple
72: Inverted + remapped to red
73: Inverted + remapped to yellow/orange/red
74: Inverted + remapped to yellow
75: Inverted + remapped to yellow/brown

Pitch black

76: Pitch black but no change on fullbrights
77: Completely pitch black - useful for silhouettes when combined with transparency

Blue to metallic colors

(primarily for vehicles)

78: Black
79: Silver
80: White
81: Tan
82: Brown
83: Desaturated Green
84: Green
85: Desaturated Blue
86: Blue
87: Purple
88: Red
89: Yellow
90: Gold

Both blue ranges to metallic colors

(primarily for vehicles)

91: Black / Desaturated Blue
92: Silver / Desaturated Blue
93: White / Desaturated Blue
94: Tan / Grayscale
95: Brown / Tan
96: Desaturated Green / Grayscale
97: Green / Desaturated Green
98: Desaturated Blue / Gray
99: Blue / Desaturated Blue
100: Purple / Desaturated Blue
101: Red / Brown
102: Yellow / Tan
103: Gold / Tan

High contrast orange tinting

(rusty or burner appearance)

104: Orange tinting with high contrast
105: Orange tinting with high contrast (disable fullbrights)

Blue to fullbrights

106: Fullbright blue
107: Fullbright gray
108: Fullbright green
109: Fullbright yellow/orange
110: Fullbright red

Fullbright remaps

117: Remap fullbrights to pitch black

Shade table tricks

118: Fade to white ("screen"), opposite of regular fade to black ("multiply")
119: Fade to black boosted contrast ("color burn") without fullbrights
120: Fade to black boosted contrast ("color burn")
121: Fade to white boosted contrast ("color dodge")
122: Fade to black using substractive blend ("linear burn") without fullbrights
123: Fade to black using substractive blend ("linear burn")
124: Fade to white using additive blend ("linear dodge")

Orange tinting

(rusty or burner appearance)

125: Orange tinting
126: Orange tinting (disable fullbrights)

Full spectrum, preserve saturation

127: Tan
128: Brown
129: Desaturated Green
130: Green
131: Desaturated Blue
132: Blue
133: Purple
134: Red
135: Orange-brown
136: Yellow
137: Orange-yellow

All white

138: All white but no change on fullbrights
139: Completely all white
140: remap blue and fullbright blue to pitch black and desaturated blue to dark gray
141: desaturate blue, desaturated blue, green and desaturated green

Color overlay

142: Tan
143: Brown
144: Desaturated Green
145: Green
146: Desaturated Blue
147: Blue
148: Purple
149: Red
150: Orange-brown
151: Yellow
152: Orange-yellow

Zombie palette

Palettes 153-164 will Remap saturated brown, brown, blue and green ranges (primarily for zombies)